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Friday, 8 March 2013

Kim Kardashian Suffers Miscarriage Scare

Reality TV star, Kim Kardashian checked into hospital yesterday after complaining of stomach pains.
4 months pregnant Kim was flying home from Paris when she started experiencing serious stomach pains on the aircraft. The model was crying seriously because she thought she had lost her pregnancy.

But fortunately, the doctor who checked Kim ruled there was no miscarriage and released her. He did, however, tell her she needs to slow down her hectic lifestyle. 

"Kim's not respecting her pregnancy," a source told the Post. "She's running around, working out seven days a week. She's working with two different trainers to control her weight."

She's been traveling the world with and without her boyfriend Kanye West and the jet-set lifestyle she's been leading has reportedly taken a toll on her body.

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